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Clanlands by Sam Heughan and Graham McTavish

I listened to this one on Audible, and the narration of Sam and Graham themselves was a wonderful treat. Talking about their adventures and fond memories of Outlander and other projects, we get a glimpse into their lives and friendship. And of course you can't beat listening to a brogue, Scottish accent.

From hearing about how they first met to their constant barbs at one another, Sam and Graham paint a beautiful picture of Scotland and its history. Digging in and learning about the prominent clans in Scottish history, as well as how to properly wear a tartan, was far more entertaining than it had any right to be.

Their sense of family and friendship is apparent in both their voices and their words, and I can say I will be revisiting the story by reading the physical book sometime.

Some parts definitely make more sense if you're familiar with the Outlander TV series on Starz, but isn't necessary viewing before reading Clanlands.

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