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Paging Dr. Hart by Dr. Melissa Dymond

This was adorable and sweet in all the best ways. Tiffany is a doctor in her radiology residency, and is tasked with training the new guy, Ethan. He's been in an internal medicine residency but has been trying really hard to get into radiology, so when an opening presented itself, he jumped.

When she and Ethan keep getting thrown together, it feels like fate. But Tiffany isn't sure if she can trust it, or trust him. How could she, when everyone in her life that she's cared about has left her in some way.

As she and Ethan dissolve each other's barriers, her past keeps coming back to haunt her, both in her dreams, and in person. Forced to leave a conference she's at with Ethan, she is thrown back into her past head on. Not only is she worried about what Ethan will think, but shes worried about whether or not she will even make it back to him.

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