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Madame by Sara Cate

As a mom, this one hit differently. Kink aside, there were a lot of takeaways that made this a five star for me. As a mom, there is an almost inevitable pressure to do everything the same as before having children. You feel as if you must constantly juggle roles - mom, whatever your job/career is if you choose to have one, and as a woman/wife/partner. The pressure and constant expectations are so much to carry, and it can often feel like we are not good enough in any of our roles. Our masks can slip, and we begin to wonder if we have an identity other than 'mom' anymore. We make choices for our kids, and the sacrifices we make go unnoticed by most, as if they're expected by others or society or whatever. Motherhood can be isolating and lonely, especially when you find yourself making decisions for safety as Eden did, by not letting others in or accepting their help.

Finally, we come to Eden's story. Madame Kink herself. We find out that not only did she become a Dominatrix to bring herself out of a horrible situation, but she has a son. That no one at Salacious knows about, except for Ronan and Daisy. When Eden finds herself breaking all of her rules for Clay, she questions what she's doing, and pushes him away for the sake of focusing on her son.

As time passes, they both keep thinking about each other, but now Clay has been seeing Jade, his boss' daughter. After a chance encounter, both of them are thrown into a world they never expected, and Eden must decide how far she wants to let them into her, and her son's, life.

We see Eden struggle with the things I mentioned in the beginning, about her identity, the roles she plays, and decisions for her son's safety. As she grapples with what her feelings mean and what it means for her future, for her son's future, we go with her to her breaking point. What happens next, is up to her.

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