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When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller

What can I say about this one? It was beautiful and heartbreaking, and so real. I absolutely love the Korean folklore element, and how it was passed on to each generation. The struggle of wanting to believe and be immersed in your family's culture but not quite being able to let loose and just be. It highlighted how hard it can be to fit in and feel like you're bridging two completely different worlds or trying to be two different people. And you don't know which one is the "real" you and which is a face put on to try and fit in. Or if you even want to, if it's the right thing to do.

I felt like this also addressed stereotypes and making friends really well, too. She talks about "sticky" people and that really resonated with me. Some people stick around and others just don't, and sometimes it's not your fault (either way!). Through happiness and heartbreak alike, the importance of friendship, family, and tradition is strong.

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