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When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

When Women Were Dragons was an excellent example of what it feels like to be a woman in a world controlled by men. The importance of finding yourself and finding happiness in a world that tends to rip it away as quickly as it gives it. I have to say that there were moments that I found myself in full agreement on the sentiments of "Well that's just dumb", and "why the hell not?" The importance of finding happiness in life, finding love and how amazing found family can be was a really important part of this story.

Society continues to control people, and women in general, telling us what to do, who to be, who to love and how to do it. Step outside of the constricting box that's been created for you and be shamed. I wish things were different now in 2023 but sadly they aren't. I won't digress into that conversation here, but the book was a poignant reminder of how the world treats women.

It would have gotten more stars from me, but it was so very slow and I almost stopped multiple times because of that. While I struggled to keep my attention, I always came back because I needed to know how things turned out for Alex and Beatrice.

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