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The Night Market by Jesikah Sundin

This book blew me out of the water. It had so many intricate layers, and I was so amazed at each turn or revelation. Filena is a seer, owned by the West Tribe since her childhood. She and her brother Cian have become part of the family with Rhylan and his sister Glenna, under the care of Gran, despite their slave status.

Rhylan always asks her the same questions about his True Mate - who for some reason Filena cannot see....but soon, they will both know, if Rhy doesn't already. Their banter is so, so good, and the interactions between friends all around are funny and heartwarming. Gran is one of my favorite characters for sure though, her character is mysterious but warm and smart as a whip.

I absolutely loved the vividness of the characters. I could see them in my mind so clearly, it was like I was brought into the story itself to observe from the sidelines of the Night Market itself. Watching these characters grow and change, to fight back and fight for what's right in the world was just magnificent!

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