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Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon

This one was exactly what it was described as - barbarians on an ice planet....who find human women. Now, the women have been forcefully abducted, by other aliens of course, and were dropped here to be picked up later. But our girl Georgie decided to say screw that and left to look for help.

Enter Vektal, the alien barbarian who seems to think she's his mate, and only wants to touch her and lick her....well, let's just say it's not what she was expecting from a big, blue, muscular alien male with horns and a tail.

After finding a sacred cave, Georgie can communicate with Vektal, and they figure out how to save the other humans waiting for her back at their ship.

So there's a plot. But it's not the highlight of the the focus is exactly what you think it is. Alien barbarian smut with a loose survival plot. Take it for what it is, and enjoy, as many before you have!

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